If you are an asset manager, portfolio manager, family office, fund, or C-Suite Level decision maker and are looking for additional resources look no further. BigFoot Reduction, Inc. provides several resources below for your benefit.
Our Compliance, Policies, and Disclosures
General Compliance
BigFoot Reduction, Inc. abides by all local, state and federal laws. BigFoot makes every effort to read, research and abide by all compliance requirements for all governing bodies, prior to submitting proposals and performing services.
Drug Free and Drug Testing Workplace
All new employees of BigFoot Reduction, Inc. are drug tested as part of their conditional offer of employment, prior to their first day of employment. All drug testing is provided by a licensed independent third-party lab and administers the most comprehensive testing offered by the vendor to include a 9-panel screening.
Tobacco Free Workplace
BigFoot Reduction, Inc. is committed to a Tobacco Free Workplace. Use of tobacco is not permitted on any job site, facility or location BigFoot staff works, or services clients at any time.
Public Records Law
BigFoot Reduction, Inc. is compliant with and committed to all Public Records Laws, including but not limited to, Florida Statue 119.07.
Anti-Discrimination Commitment
BigFoot Reduction, Inc. philosophy of teamwork is, "no person is an island" and "one team, one project" thereby, BigFoot Reduction, Inc. takes every effort to prevent, discourage and rebuke all acts of discrimination in the workplace. As said by the CEO, "Everyone wants to be the hero of their own story, and a great leader, helps bring out that hero in us all" really shows BigFoot's commitment to anti-discrimination efforts in the workplace.
Grants, Auditing, Accounting and Tax Compliance
Grants can be well intended and cumbersome. All grants applied for, on behalf of or subject to projects, are back by a 100% compliance satisfaction guarantee. In an effort to maintain full transparency, BigFoot has established a three-layered accounting approach as described below.
BigFoot uses a triple layered approach on all auditing and accounting practices. BigFoot currently uses an independent third-party licensed CPA and Accounting Firm for monthly reconciliation of financials, as well as an in-house process for accounting purposes. Additional quarterly reviews by a third-party licensed CPA are conducted at the close of the quarter, in addition to the monthly reconciliations and are available upon written request.
Legal Disclaimer
BigFoot Reduction, Inc. is not a licensed CPA or Public Accountant and does not provide licensed CPA or Public Accounting Services. Any statements made here are not the statements of any parties disclosed and are not liable for any damages as a result thereof. Information provided herein, is for information purposes only and is subject to change without notice. For licensed CPA or Public Accounting Services, please contact a licensed CPA.

Private Sector Resources and Compliance
Commercial High Rise, Industrial, Manufacturing
23 September 2015
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) commissioned the development of this document to serve as a resource to energy efficiency program administrators (PAs) who are developing offerings for Superior Energy Performance™ (SEP) and are looking for guidance on the information to include in their program plans. While the primary purpose of this document is for the development of energy efficiency program plans, it may also be useful for reporting and other purposes. This document can be used in conjunction with and provides guidance for the input fields in the SEP Program Planning Template, available at [TBD].
This guide is intended to be comprehensive to cover the range of efficiency plan requirements throughout the country. As some efficiency program plans do not include all of the elements in this document, PAs should feel free to use only the sections that are useful to them.
Some of the language in this document can be copied and pasted directly into efficiency program plans. Language that does not require further modification is indicated by block indentation. Most sections require some degree of modification according to the specific circumstances of the PA. For topics that are very location-specific, this document only provides guidance for PAs to use in developing their efficiency plans.

October 2021
Driving our nation’s buildings to low and zero carbon saves money, creates jobs, and leads to a healthier environment and more resilient economy. The table below includes steps that building owners and operators can implement to achieve smart, healthy, and low-carbon large office buildings within their existing building portfolios.
Large offices are typically over 50,000 square feet and often include complex heating and cooling systems. Assess
current conditions in your building against the simple, intermediate, and advanced options to begin planning your
next steps to reduce carbon emissions.

December 13, 2013
In the early stages of planning their new office, Nixon Peabody approached their property owner, Brookfield Properties, about installing a solar PV system on the roof of the nine story downtown office building where Nixon Peabody occupies three floors. To maximize the return and financing options, the project included solar installations on two other nearby rooftops. This approach, commonly known as community solar, allows a utility ratepayer with a meter located in Washington, D.C. to have access to solar electricity generated offsite through virtual net metering. In 2013, the D.C. legislature became the tenth jurisdiction to pass community solar legislation through the Community Solar Renewables Energy Act (B20-007)1.
In addition to the predictable energy prices and environmental benefits, the solar installation.
Date Installed July 2015
Location Washington, D.C.
Installation Type Roof mounted, ballasted
Size Approximately 250 kW-DC, across 3 sites
Annual Production
330,000 kWh/year
Monthly Bill Savings
$800/month for first 10 years
(low income residents
receive majority of savings),
$1300/month after that.
Expected Payback
No upfront cost to building
owner or tenant Financing Roof license with 3rd party ownership allowed Nixon Peabody to demonstrate their commitment to the community by donating a portion of the generated renewable energy to affordable housing tenants in Washington, D.C.

October 2021
Through Better Buildings, Better Plants, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) partners with leading U.S. manufacturers and water and wastewater treatment agencies to improve their energy efficiency and sustainability. Reducing energy and water waste in the industrial sector not only saves money and increases competitiveness, but also strengthens resiliency and leads to a stronger workforce. DOE supports partners’ efforts towards these goals by providing technical assistance, peer-to-peer networking opportunities, and recognition of their achievements.

February 2021
As real estate trends like decarbonization and electrification grow, it is imperative for building owners to understand the range of implications for their buildings, the people who rely on them, and the financial wellbeing of their organizations. This whitepaper demonstrates the short- and long-term impacts of Active Power Management (APM) on the electric grid, building systems, occupants, as well as the value APM delivers with regard to electrification and decarbonization.
When Distributed Energy Resources (DER) like solar and battery storage proliferate the built environment, electric grid stability decreases, and the likelihood of negative impacts on buildings and owners, operators, and occupants increases. APM is a powerful tool that, if appropriately utilized, helps buildings avoid the worst of these impacts and potentially save energy in the process. In addition, this paper outlines how building owners and operators can deploy APM to advance corporate Environment, Sustainability, and Governance (ESG) goals while protecting their assets and improving economic performance.

February 2021
The opportunity for improving energy performance in the United States has never been greater. The Better Buildings Initiative proposed by the Obama administration is the latest national effort drawing attention to our building energy consumption and ways we can help reduce it—and win at the same time.
The economic downturn shifted the attention of firms and public owners with large building portfolios toward their existing buildings. With government and utility incentives, the time was ripe for focusing on retrofit and renovation investments that could save energy and money.

In calculating the gross rent for units leased under the housing choice voucher program, as well as the HAP payment for which the family qualifies, the PHA must consider not only the contract rent that is paid to the owner, but also the anticipated cost of any utilities that the tenant family is required to pay. The request for tenancy approval submitted by the owner and the prospective tenant tells the PHA the utilities the tenant will pay for directly, and the utilities that are included in the rent. These provisions are incorporated into the lease and the HAP contract. Any time a change is made in the responsibility for payment of utility expenses, the owner and the tenant must report the change to the PHA so that the contract rent and the utility allowance can be adjusted accordingly.

September 25, 2014
Following through on the interest expressed by Better Buildings Alliance (BBA) members in recent discussions at the 2013 Efficiency Forum, and general member interest, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) established a pilot project team focused on integration of renewable energy technologies in buildings. Strategic use of renewables can help businesses to reduce building energy costs and environmental footprint. The Renewables Integration Project Team provides limited unbiased technical assistance and a venue for sharing (best practices, lessons learned, application experiences) to help Better Buildings Alliance members navigate complex regulations, business models, and utility policies. Individual members often do not have the resources or expertise to address these very specialized issues, and vendors selling renewables projects have a vested interest in promoting these solutions.

September 27, 2011
A performance contract allows you to improve the energy performance of your building by partnering with an energy services company (ESCO) to enhance building operations and save energy. An ESCO is a company that identifies energy improvements, provides the capital required and installs improvements, offers turn-key installation services, and guarantees energy savings. Companies pay the ESCO back over a period of years from the energy cost savings generated from the project. The ESCO monitors the performance of the project for the life of the contract and verifies the energy savings which result. In some cases, the ESCO may also operate and maintain the new equipment and systems.

BigFoot Reduction, Inc. Summary Case Study: Cushman & Wakefield Public Information on Cost Recovery as it Impacts Earnings Report by Employing EAAS
April 20, 2021
Cushman is a prime example of a mixed portfolio of assets including undeveloped land, large downtown commercial office space, general commercial office space, and industrial buildings. It boasts 4.1 billion in square feet under management, $7.8B in Annual Revenue and has an international reach of 60 countries.